Your First Exam… what to expect.
With exams around the corner, we really want everyone’s experience to be a positive one. A dance exam can be a little scary when it’s your first time, however we want to show you that there is nothing to be worried about and hopefully it will be fun. Here are some top tips to help you feel prepared!
Isabelle and Amelia ready for their Grade 1 Exam
“I had a ballet exam and was nervous that I would make a mistake or forget what I was doing. I had lots of practice lessons and help from my teachers. It was great to do my exam and great to be with my friend to do it. We were excited and nervous together bit it went really well in the end”
Top Tips:
1) Come Early- Be at the studio at least 45 minutes before your exam so we can help make sure you are ready for your exam.
2) Prepare your kit- Make sure you have what you need for your exam.
Ballet Exams- Satin Ballet Shoes (can be purchased at The Clobber Shop) with elastic (Grades Primary-Two) or ribbon (Grade 3 and above). Clean Socks (Primary) or tights (Grade 1 and above) and your Leotard. Sometimes we have special exam leotards for you to wear as well!
Modern Exam- Your regulation uniform. This is your leotard or catsuit, plus Nude tights (Grade 2-6) or Black tights (Inter Foundation and above)
Tap Exam- Your regulation uniform.
You will also need hair stuff so we can do your hair for you. This included: Hairbrush, Comb, hair elastics, hair pins, bun nets and hair spray.
3) Practice- Please speak to your teacher when you find out you are doing your exam about coming to some extra classes on our timetable. You can also purchase a practice CD from the shop for £2 so that you can practice at home, so you feel extra prepared.
4) Have fun! Remember you will do our best if you are enjoying yourself, so try not to worry too much, the teachers will answer any questions that you might have!